Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Back To School Traditions

<--------(a few of her favorite things)

Well looks like the time has, unfortunately, come. the back To School Countdown. This depresses me every year. I love having Skylar home with me. I have even considered homeschooling, haha.
But Skylar is excited so it's time Mommy puts on her *Happy Face* and shared in the excitement.
We tend to pick up little things here and there that she likes for her school clothes all summer. We have done the big massive, all-in-one-trip shopping, but Skylar and I both tend to like this way better.
As for supplies, her list was really easy this year. Very simple and inexpensive. I liked this years list, lol.
Skylar has gone through her stuff more times than I can count. She loves new school supplies and is very excited about entering 4th grade. She hasn't seen anyone all summer, so I'm sure her school friends have a lot to do with her excitement.
The theory goes that this is one of the hardest schools in 4th grade. Supposedly they challenge you to the 10th degree. I hope she does well, and in all honesty I have every bit of Faith that she will be great!
What are you back to school traditions? As of now, we don't really have anything other than your standard shopping trips. But I have some ideas in mind, so that may change in the coming years. I did throw her a little end of year party (click here to see), so I think maybe I'll continue that or even a Back To School Party.

Click on me to see her 1st day of school!


  1. I have none, and I can't wait to start them!! Yay, Skylar - you'll do fabulous in 4th grade because you're a total rock star!

  2. of course skylar will do great :)
    love the new outfits skylar!

  3. Thanks ladies! I'll be sure to show her these comments, she will be very happy!
    Rachel, did you click it to make it bigger? The pink top one is what she's wearing on the 1st day! Fun times!!

  4. I love that she has all her outfits ready.

  5. Thanks! She is now into her second week and still has outfits all ready. I think she made them up for the rest of August! ha ha
