Monday, August 22, 2011

8/22/11 MM: Milk Magic

So while reading a blog I adore I saw this lovely idea. I can honestly say, this was a new one! I figured since today was Monday, we would give it a go! After all Monday is for Masterpieces, right? ha ha.
Supplies needed:
*Whole milk (any milk is fine but whole works best)
*Dish soap
*Food color
*shallow dish

^^ My guess is you already own all that right? So here's the deal
*Pour the milk into the dish and put various drops of food color all around. Dip the tooth pick into the soap and begin to swirl.
Sebastian absolutely adored this project! We had to repeat with another color choice and let him create again. FUN. FUN. FUN. Hope y'all try this and let me know what you think!!
Yes, ha ha. He had to touch the milk, hahaha

After adding the milk, drop in some color. Dipping your toothpick into soap and then dipping the milk creates the colors to run away from the tooth pick. Very cool effect!

Take 2, ha ha. He wanted to do it again.

I seriously adore this. The color technique just looks so neat. Don't be surprised if it shows up as my new background!
ETA: I did add this as my background, ha ha


  1. very cute! and very cool art Mr. S!

  2. What a wonderful activity! This looks like a fun activity for little ones, I will have to remember this one!!

  3. aww glad you liked it! be sure to come back and share a link so I can see yours too!!
    Thanks for stopping by!
