Monday, March 7, 2011

March2,11 (WIUW:mashed potatoes)

Sorry I am so late getting this on here!!!
So today I decided he can help with a dinner item. Mashed Potatoes. And this is how you make them:
Step1: decided how many potatoes you will need (1 per child 1-2 per adult depending on potato size)

Step2: have you helpful daughter rinse them off
Step3: Have an adult peel and cut into small squares (Mommy's job)
Step4: add cut potatoes to a pot, cover w/water and your favorite seasonings. Bring to boil and boil uncovered until soft (10-12 minutes)
Step5: remove from pot, drain water and decide on your fillings (ours change alot, but tonight was butter, milk, and cream cheese)
Step6: add your fillings
Step 7: Mash it all together (Sebastian loved this part!!)
Just another pic to show his excitement. He actually cried when I took it away!
Step 8: Add your potatoes to the rest of your meal (tonight it was Caribbean pork, and steamed veggies)
and Skylar wanted to show her plate :)

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