Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Feb 28,11 (MM:WaterColor Imprints)

Today we did WaterColor Imprints. Instructions are simple. You basically draw a picture using crayons, and then use watercolor paints and paint over top of it. The crayon pops through when your artwork dries.
Sebastian seem to enjoy dipping his paintbrush into the water and tasting it rather than putting it on the paper, lol. And yes, he even had to sample the paint. oi. Good thing I buy Crayola products!! When working with toddlers (especially the ones like my lil monster) always keep in mind to buy products that are non toxic!!
Skylar had a lot of fun with this as well. She had to rush through her picture though because her show was coming on, haha
their crayon drawing (yes, Skylar has a pig in hers, she Loves pigs)