Monday, October 1, 2012

Am I "Done" @ 3??

A family friend brought her baby by today. Baby J is only 9 days old!! Can you saw "AWWWW"? He was so dang precious and I wanted to keep him. I am SUCH a baby person. I held him the entire time, like I typically like to do, if the mommy allows, haha.
My sister held Sophie for the most part, but I needed a pic of the babies together. She is 3 days shy of 6months in this pic. Look how big she is getting? Why do they have to grow so FAST?? I can not believe she is already half way to her 1st birthday.
So here is my astounding realization. As much as I adored baby J and would SO gladly keep him. My uterus didn't ache for hours after he left like it normally does when I hold a baby. I was perfectly fine knowing I had my Sophie and 2 other monsters. I don't know if it's because Sophie is still little? Will I change my tune once she starts walking? Will I miss having that lil squishy in my arms 24/7? I'm not sure if I held a tiny baby while I HAD my own baby, so maybe that is it?? I don't know. whatever it is, I'm sure hubby is happy about my lack of baby fever, :P
I get asked all the time if I am "done" with having more babies, and I don't know how to answer that. I know of a some people who feel I shouldn't have more because I'm not as wealthy as them or whatever, but if God decides more kids are in my future, then that's the way it is. As for how I personally feel right now? Right at this very moment? I'm good. I'm ridiculously blessed and happy. My answer could change tomorrow :)

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