Sunday, March 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Dr.Seuss!!

For Dr.Seuss' birthday, we decided to have a special dinner in his honor. I had other things planned, but alas things don't always go according to plan, do they?
We were also having some tornadoes, etc in our area while I was prepping for our meal, so things were quite rushed.
Of course we had to have Schlopp. Sebastian is very into Dr.Seuss books right now and has the little cardboard book version of The Thinks You Can Think memorized! (along with Wocket in my Pocket) He absolutely adores Schlopp with a cherry on top, so I knew I had to attempt to make it for him. This was my take, and the kids were in love, so I must have done something right! Haha.
Here are a few more pictures of the rest of our meal. Hope you enjoy, and please feel free to comment!!
Tasting a pickle

Haha he is a great pickle selector

Tower of Roast Beast Sandwich's (ok, I cheated and sent hubby to get Arbys for this part haha)

Schlott's Knots

I got them the old school cartoon version of the Lorax. They loved it!
(We also had pink ink drink, but I forgot to get a pic)

1 comment:

  1. This is great! We did a little Dr. Seuss craft by making the Cat in the Hat red and white hat out of construction paper.
