Wednesday, August 31, 2011


So I haven't been keeping up with my regular scheduled programing and I think you readers deserve to know why. (whoever you may be, ha ha)
My hubby has been working a lot of odd jobs lately which has caused me to have the kids full time. (Usually he does nap and bedtime, but he hasn't been here.) Also we have been out and about a little more than usual.
I had Skylar's Ascent meeting. She will be pulled from class every Tuesday to go to her special Ascent class. (we lovingly call it her Nerd Club, lol. It is for children that are formally identified as gifted, and Skylar considers being called a nerd a compliment!) They will learn about different "Sets" throughout the year. I am sure I will talk about them on here. They sound quite interesting, I think. She is really looking forward to this. Also it gives her a chance to meet other children. There are only about 4-5 kids in her school that qualified so they are joining several schools around this area to make a full class. 6 schools total of 4th and 5th graders. I believe they will be mixed together. She already has her 1st field trip scheduled.
Quick Pregnancy update is I am 8weeks, 3 days and have my 1st OB appointment tomorrow. I feel like a slug and have no energy, so that's been fun, haha. It's all worth it though!
Hubby got a job. A steady job, too. No more weird days at odd hours. This is something set so we know what to expect. We are expecting him to start sometime next week officially. This week is all about paperwork, background checks, orientations, training, etc. So WOOT on that front!

Oh as a bonus, both kids were sick today. Skylar more so than Sebastian. She missed school and was NOT happy about it. It's mostly cold/flu like symptoms, but they seem so small and helpless when they are sick. Sad face about that one.

Hope all is well for whoever is reading this!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Cat! I just wanted to get in touch with you one last time as you were the winner in my jewelry contest a few weeks back. Can you please email me at I really want you to have this beautiful necklace! Thanks!
