Friday, May 13, 2011

The time has come...

for a revamp. I need this in all aspects of my life. Things have gotten messy and unorganized and are honestly driving me a bit crazy. I am going to try to add more structure and balance to everything, including this blog. I often overlook coming here and I don't want this to be forgotten about. I would love to blog everyday, so that's the ultimate goal. I know it's not super realistic so I will start this new Blog Makeover with 3 goals.
1) Every Monday I make a MM post.
2) Every Wednesday I make a WIUW post
3) Every Month, I redo the background.
OK, number 3 is simply because I have discovered I love playing with the backgrounds on here, haha. It also motivates me to write more as well. Just look at all the inspiration this new look gave me! Now I am thinking of things that need a makeover for real!
Numbers 1-2 will be a part of my new Mommy School. More info on that later!
I know this look kinda screams Suzy Homemaker so loud it may be hard to hear anything else, but I loved it. I think it's fun, bright and cheery.
I also love hearing feedback, so please leave a comment and let me know any suggestions or comments that you may have for me. It can be backgrounds, picture ideas, anything really. Oh and please let me know if I choose something too overwhelming. I do want you to enjoy your read and not hurt your eyes. I would like these new looks to be fun, not distracting, you know?
And I may not say it, but I think it every time I log on. Thanks for visiting!!!

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