Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring Break Staycation: Day 1

So the plan was to go on a couple day getaway, but alas circumstances beyond our control intervened. So it became a Staycation again this year!!
Day 1 started off rocky. Sophie had a rough night. Screamed all night long and mommy and her got zero sleep. Then brother monster decided this morning would be a good day to be as whiny and bratty as possible. Nothing made him happy and he just cried non stop.
After our rough morning, hubby and I decided that we needed that silver lining in our day. We had the storm now we needed our rainbow :)
We took the kids to lunch, the museum and then for an ice cream!
After their treat we took them to Grandmas and hubby and I went to the movies! It was so much fun spending the day my kids AND getting to have some alone time with hubby.
(Of course, mommy syndrome kicked in and I was super anxious to get back to those monsters the second the movie went off! Haha)

Sophie waiting as I tried to get Sebastian calm

Quick Happy Meal

Then we were Museum bound

This guy was on the moon Mommy!

Loved the caves. Had to do it 3X

If it's Hands on, he's happy

My Everything


Hubby and I watching NonStop :)

What is Your Dream Job and Why?

I am creating a list of 30 Things I Want My Kids To Know About Me, and posting them in no certain order. this is #7 on the list!!
I think my absolute dream job would be to be paid to be a SAHM. I love nothing more than being able to be home with my children 24/7 but the fact that there is no paycheck at the end of the week is sad. BUT I know that's not realistic.
My "realistic" dream job would be getting paid to blog! (First of all, that'd be a GREAT motivator to actually keep it totally current like I want to) I would love to be one of those blogs that is getting free trips to Disney World or being sent free crafts, etc for my kids to try out as long as I write a review. I LOVE writing reviews on things and have no problem with being completely honest in my review. Heck I do reviews here already lol, but to be paid? Or get the stuff I'm reviewing for free?? I think that would be AWESOME!
And did you notice??? That would still be like getting paid to be a SAHM, haha. ;)

Sunday, March 30, 2014

New Family Member

So as I said Miss Sophie is fixing to turn 2!! I'm not sure how that happened but it's upon us.
As a gift to her, I got a kitten! Yes she's only 2, but I thought it'd be a great lil buddy to grow up with her. I'm also a huge fan in small kids having pets. I think it teaches them alot.  Not to mention it helps expose her to dander, therefore lowering her risk of developing allergies to pets! Win/win!!
Now, verbally Sophie is a typical baby. She's a girl of limited words (which is still hard to get used to considering how extremely advanced her siblings were and are! But I guess when all you do is bat your eyelashes and everyone comes running, you don't feel a need to speak lol) but that being said, it's Sophies kitty so I still let her name him.
First his name was Meow. Kitty's say meow right? So her calling him that didn't surprise me. Sister and brother monster, however weren't fans. They kept asking her to give him a new name. Finally she called him Dory. (Or doreeeeeeeeee, as she squealed the first couple of times)
So please welcome DORY!!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Where`s Cat??

Ok wow!! I've seriously been MIA. So sorry about that. Things have been crazy here as usual. I joined a new company and have been trying to get healthy was well. That journey is never ending! Ugh if I get any results I'll update.
Wanna hear something totally insane?? My baby? My tiny lil baby is about to turn 2!!! What?!! That's insane!! Yup on Wednesday...I just can't believe it!
But now I need to return to blogging. I love it so much and miss it! So it's time to do more! :)
Are there any readers out there?? What would you like me to write about?