Friday, September 28, 2012

WIUW: D is for Donuts + Mommy School

For the letter D, we decided to make homemade donuts. I haven't done this in ages and forgot how fun it was. Sebastian was in AWE that he could "MAKE DONUTS AT HOME!!" His excitement was beyond contagious. They tasted ridiculously yummy, so we had to go back and make more using different toppings. Now I have way too many donuts in my kitchen so something will have to be done about that.... ehehehehehe

We used a Wilton tip to cut the circles out. He liked playing with the lil dough balls, haha

Making some Glaze. He's a serious chef

Lazy and DELISH donuts. Can biscuits, pop into 35odegree oil. 2min on each side

end result is perfection

Getting funky now :P
chocolate glaze

Here we did some w/o poking a hole and rolled into granulated sugar. Then I tossed 4into powered sugar

Chocolate glaze w/chocolate chips

For Mommy School we have been working on the letter D

Can you tell he has fun in Mommy School?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

WIUW C is for Carrots

This week at Mommy School was like all others thus far. We don't get to do much and what we've done has included Miss Sophie. We only got one day in, which is pretty much what it's be this whole time. He loves it and I wish I could do it more, but it is what it is, I guess.

Letter of the Week: C
Theme of the Week: Cut

Yes this is his FIRST time actually using scissors. I know, he's is probably the latest in the world of toddlers to try this. Mommy Fail


More cutting

For WIUW we did Parmesan Crusted Baby Carrots. These turned out fabulous, I might add. Normally I'm not big on cooked carrots but even I finished my serving :P
 These were our side item and for dessert we had more letter C fun with Carrot Cake Cupcakes and cream cheese frosting!
And shocker... I forgot to take pics!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Caramel Apple Streusel

 Ok, so no idea what to call this but that works, haha...
I confess to have NEVER made a homemade pie before. No I am 30, I stay at home with 3 children and this has been way to much for my little brain. After our apple excursion, hubby said he was giving his mom a bunch of the apples (the kids picked WAY too many for us to eat up) to make a pie. This hit me weird. Why didn't he want ME to make a pie? Oh, 'cause I can't. Because I never have even attempted it. Makes sense.

This saddens me to say but my 1st ever recipe is GONE. I was scribbling it down on a scrap paper as I was adding it to the dish and Hubby tossed it! Major sad face, but here are the pics. Hopefully I will remember how much of each item I used next time I attempt this.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

WIUW: B is for Banana Pudding

Letter of the Week: B
Theme of the Week: Balloons (though we didn't get to use them, sad face)

So Mommy School has been going so-so. We don't get to do it everyday like Sebastian and I would like. Hubby is always too "busy" to watch Sophie for the hour, so we've had to try to do it with her. She doesn't like it much. She is the center of the universe and wants us to remember that, haha.
We have worked on the letter "B" throughout the week as much as we could though. For Wednesday we made some banana pudding.
Our version is super simple, as cooking with toddlers should be in my opinion. We layer banana cream instant pudding, sliced bananas and vanilla wafers. I should have gotten a pic of the during cuz he cut the bananas himself! He is getting too big :(

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fat Kats Pizzeria Georgetown, KY

So after our day at the farm we decided to stop for something to eat. Hubby needed to get to bed as soon as he got home, and didn't feel like waiting for dinner to be cooked. (It was close to 7pm at this point and he works 3rd shift, meaning he goes in at Midnight..oi)
Knowing we had over an hour to drive we looked around in the same town the farm was in. We stumbled across Fat Kats!! I was super excited because I'd seen this place on Food Network and knew it won awards, haha. I told hubby we HAD to try it and see if it lived up to the hype... well....
Apparently we showed up while they were being bombarded with a huge order...some game was going on and ordered 50 pizzas. The guy at the door explained it'd be at least 30-35minute wait. We were debating, but figured it'd take us that long to decide on something else, so we stayed put.
Hubby and the oldest monsters took off looking for entertainment while I stayed at the booth with Sophie. When time came to place our order, the same guy we saw at the door greeted us. He was very friendly.
We ordered 2 pizzas. A large luau and a med...oops, forgot the name of the one the boys picks, haha. Hubby and I got Diet Pepsi (only Coke products) while the kids got AppleJuice. They said they wanted to stick to our Apple Day! Sophie got milk :P
When it came time to pay, our server knocked $5 off our bill due to the wait, which wasn't even their fault!! Totally cool, in my opinion. It made our bill just under $34. Great time was had by all and I'll gladly make the drive again for that pizza!

The lovely menu. Yes, my monsters and I adored the mascot!

The game room was TINY and not impressive according to my kids, :/

The Luau

The...."other one" ahahaha

SO worth the wait

In the end, I'd rate this place with an A for AWESOME. Yes, our wait was long, but they made up for it. AND the server was ridiculously nice!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Mommy School Field Trip: Apple Festival...

Today was a homeschooling field trip. We had been working on the letter A and Apples this week, so what better way to wrap up the week than a trip to an apple farm?
When I was making out the lesson plans for this month, I thought it would be so neat to take him apple-picking. He'd never done it, and heck neither have I! I knew Skylar would be into this also (perk about Mommy School: sibling get to go on field trips!)
I began searching to Apple Farms to realize the closet one that sounded like what I was looking for was over an hour away! Goodness, this would take some convincing to daddy monster. After I finally got the "ok", I set the plans in motion.
I found an adorable apple farm that was hosting an Apple Festival the very week we were doing the letter A!! Score!! So away we went.
The monsters had such a blast and I have TONS of pics, but I will just leave you with this one cuz I worked so hard for it, haha. He totally refused to look at me, and the sun was blowing out all my pics. Sad face, but blown face or not, Sebastian is such a cutie!!

LEASH DISCLAIMER: So, I guess I'll write about his safety harness since it's pictured. Yes I got him one, yes my child is now on a "leash" and NO I do not feel guilty about it. I only wish I had done it sooner.
I used to see people with their children on these things and cringe. I felt SO bad for the child the parent was treating like a dog. Yes, I was the mom that silently thought "teach your child to mind you and you wouldn't have to strap them in that." I had a child, I taught her to remain by my side. I never once had an issue. Not once. I thought these were made lazy and cruel moms and I couldn't see why a child would need one. Then I had Sebastian.
Sebastian has more energy than I have ever seen. He is also as stubborn and as head strong as you could ever imagine. The words "no" and "stop" mean NOTHING to him. He has unlocked the door and bolted across my yard, ran away from us in parking lots and when he twisted away from my husband and jetted toward the street, I was done. He needed a leash. I had tried to justify his actions, telling myself "he only got down the yard's sidewalk, he's ok" "we got to him super fast" "there weren't any cars coming" but it doesn't matter. Too many what ifs. Safety comes first. I would rather someone think I'm treating him like an animal than to see him hurt. He's too important NOT to wear one. So to the naysayers out there mocking me know this: I understand and it's ok. I have been there, I felt the same way. But also take note that I love my child, and that takes precedence over any bad thing you could say about his new "special backpack"

Mommy School + WIUW: A is for Apple Crisp

Mr Sebastian will be 3 next month. OMG, right??? I began playing school with Skylar around this age, so I asked Sebastian if he wanted to play what was referred to as "Mommy School". He said a big heartfelt YES. So the tradition continues..wonder if Sophie will be interested...
I made a "loose" September Curriculum and purchased a few things that I needed. (Mostly crafting items, haha) Oh and by "loose" I mean, yes I have it written down what I plan to work on but if he isn't interested that day, or if we go somewhere, etc then oh well. Although I have it scheduled, it doesn't mean it's guaranteed to happen. I follow his cues. My HOPE is we can have Mommy School Mon-Fri from 9am-10am. Anything over that is bonus and anything below is Sebastian's choice.
Another awesome bonus to this, is it's while Skylar is in School and I force hubby to watch baby monster so it's also my one on one time with my lil man!!! I haven't had any since Sophie was born and had no idea how much I missed it.
Letter of the week: A
Theme of the Week: Apple
(He chose to EAT his activity, :P)

I cut Apples and had him use them as stamps. It took a while for him to find this fun. He was appalled at the idea of "ruining the apples" haha. But he grew to love it.

WIUW: As most of you know, we haven't gotten to do this very often. Well it's back and we are all thrilled at the Monster Household! MM are pretty much over due to Mommy School. We have a craft activity included in Mommy School everyday with the exception of Wednesday. That space is left open for kitchen time!
This Wednesday we kept up with our "Apple" theme and made a homemade crustless Apple Crisp. Super Simple and Super Yummy!! I found the recipe HERE!

*3/4 C Flour
*1 C Brown Sugar
*3/4 C rolled oats (I only had 1/2 C)
*1/2 C softened butter
*3 large apples (I used 4smaller ones)
(combine all but the apples in a bowl)

Sampling the thinly sliced apples was much more exciting than putting them into the greased pie pan

Spreading the "goop" over the apples was his favorite part

Recipe said 350 for 20-30minutes. Well we did 365 for 26minutes and this is how it turned out. Doesn't look like the other site (maybe due to the fact I didn't have enough oats??? :P) but it was major yummy! Sebastian came back 3 times throughout the evening for more! Cooked apples are "meh" in my book, but holy mother of yum is this topping!

PottyTaining Update

So Sebastian FINALLY completed a Potty Chart I made for him on Aug 3rd. Took him a month!! I have to say I am pretty shocked at how slow he was about it. He next to never wants to go potty. He is back to yelling at me when I ask, and will only go when bribed with something. He has only went 100% on his own once. I guess this is what they mean when they say kids regress. He was doing so well. Looks like he will be 3 in pullups, but oh well. He'll get there when he gets there. I'll continue offering it and stuff, but at the end of the day it's his call.
(oh, and the reason he is at Chuck-E-Cheese because that was the "prize" for completing the chart)
btw: Today (Sept 2) Miss Sophie is 5Months Old!!