Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Time of Celebration

Accepting her diploma

Oh my goodness. My niece has graduated High School!! How did that happen?
Cassie was always MY baby. She was born when I was only 12, but I claimed her instantly. I did everything I was allowed to do until I got old enough to "steal" her from my sister. (aka, weekend stays with me, etc etc) I have even been called her "second mom" by practically everyone in our family. I can't help it. I adore her. Always have, and although she is now a punky teen-haha, I always will.
I am more proud that I can express. She did it. She is now a High School Graduate!
Congratulations Cassie, I love you!!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Sophie's New Bed

       Fisher Price Rock-N-Play Sleeper bed.
Fisher-Price Newborn Rock 'n Play Sleeper
Sophie got this cool new new bed. It can sit right next to me and I can actually reach her! I co-slept with all my kids, but I am trying to NOT do that, haha. I have a hard time putting my babies down. I am hoping this will help ease the transition into crib.


Cellulitis (sel-u-LI-tis) is a common, potentially serious bacterial skin infection. Cellulitis appears as a swollen, red area of skin that feels hot and tender, and it may spread rapidly.

I noticed a small pimple on Sebastian's butt while changing his diaper on Friday. I played a band aid over it in case it popped. It was rather small, maybe the size of my pinkie nail, so I didn't think much of it. Then throughout the day he started acting like he wasn't feeling well. I never connected the two. I assumed with his runny nose and cough, he was simply battling a cold. Pimple never changed.
By Saturday, he was running a slight fever and pimple's redness was growing. I put in a call to pedi and she makes him a Monday morning appointment.
Sunday he is completely fine and goofy, but pimple had turned into a hard red mass and due to it's location (crack of his butt, literally) it was getting hard for him to walk. I changed the band aid and when I pulled the old one off, it bursted. I applied some pressure to the site and a lot of pus-y discharge came out. Another call to pedi. They said since it was draining, he was OK to wait until his appointment.
Monday morning, his testicles were now swollen. Infection appeared to be spreading. Pedi put him on an antibiotic and said we should follow up the next day.
Tuesday Morning, pedi was not happy with the progress and wanted us to go to Ohio. Yep, we had to go to Cincy's Children's Hospital ER. My baby!! I was so sad it was this awful. I was clinging to hope that they would say it was OK.
At ER he developed a fever. First time since the weekend's fever. They said they were afraid the infection was inside his testicles so the had him do an u/s on them. U/S was perfect! His private area was completely unaffected by his bump just irritated on the outside. Dr wanted to try to drain any pus that may still be in there, so they had to perform surgery. He was too small and it was too tender to just lance open. They allowed me to be by his side the entire time!
They said normally they would send the patient home, but since he started a fever and the sensitive nature of where it was located, they wanted him to stay overnight.
Sebastian did everything like a champ!! His surgery went great and his overnight progress was amazing. He was able to go home at 4pm next day.

Waking up from surgery, eating a Popsicle. his 1st IV...sad..

1st time in crib, EVER

Getting some meds

Stretching his legs after being in bed so long

Mommy's lil trooper

So cute!
 In case you are wondering, he was put in the Isolation unit because they said he had an open wound in a very sensitive spot and they didn't want outside germs entering him. I was afraid he was contagious or something. They said "nope, this is more for HIS benefit"

took him to lunch at the mall and to movies to see Avengers since he was such an awesome patient!!

Movie's Game room. He's a rock star in every way

Sophie is 1Month

Sleeping Beauty
Sophie is now 1 Month Old
    *eats 3oz every 3-4hrs.
    *sleeps great! 1-2bottles in middle of the night, instantly goes back to sleep after them
     *Socially smiling
    She is just amazing in every way!!

Still Crafting...sorta

Sebastian Painting

Sadly I must admit, our crafting has taken a major back seat lately. I could say "oh, it's just so hard with the new baby" and all that, but I don't want to. First I don't want to place any kinda blame on Miss Sophie and secondly, I honestly blame myself.
I don't like when parents are quick to make excuses. I need to work harder and make/find (whatever) that time to devote to just having fun with the kids. Summer break is nearly here and I really want to enjoy it with my children. I hope to post more crafts/cooking and just plain silliness this summer!

Skylar Hits Double Digits!

My oldest monster turned 10. I am very sad to see how fast she is growing. I am also extremely proud of the young woman she is becoming.
For her birthday this year, she said she just wanted a simple BBQ at home with her family, lunch with her best friend and a trip to the zoo as soon as I could. She said she was trying to make it easiest on me since I had a c-section 3weeks before her birthday. (she told me her wants while I was still pregnant though)

Here are a few of the photos I have from her Bday Celebration, ENJOY!
                                                                    some snacks

                                              Next up was a mall trip w/the money she got
She HAD to buy this necklace w/some of her bday money. She had been wanting it for so long

Then I took her and her BFF to the mall for lunch and Orange Leaf for froyo where she met up with another friend.

Finally she got her zoo trip.

After the zoo, she wanted her fav all you can eat restaurant!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Immature Hip

When Sophie was born, the hospital pediatrician said that she noticed a "click" in her left hip. This concerned me, but she said not to worry and that most babies out grow them. It is caused by the hip just not being fully matured yet. She told me only "clunks" are concerning , and that can lead to them wearing a brace around their waist, etc etc. She said we should get an ultrasound and see an Orthopedic surgeon. My mind was racing. If it was no big deal, why send me to specialists? I guess they were trying to be proactive, but it is still scary, ya know?
So hospital pedi sets up my 2 appointments, which are at 2 different locations on the same day. They were scheduled for when Sophie was 8 days old.
At Sophie's 1week pedi checkup, the nurse said she didn't feel anything out of place, but still keep my appointments because they are the experts.
Next day I go to u/s and they tell me it's listed as a "clunk" in the referral report. HUH??? NO!! So I wait in the waiting area for a looong ten minutes for her u/s.
After the u/s tech looked at her, she declared her left hip to be perfect. Then she said "I see some slight immaturity on the right one, though. It's not bad and I really do not see the need for her to see an ortho." So after many people checked out the u/s results (including a faxed copy to Sophie's pedi) it was declared we cancel the Ortho appointment. Our next step is a repeat u/s at about 8 weeks. I'll update then!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Miss Sophia

I thought I would share a few hospital pics. Hubby visited me but had to care for the other 2 monsters, so I was alone most of my hospital stay. My sister came for about 10minutes and saw me in the recovery room, and left. No one else came, so it was me and Sophie!! Enjoy
(my birth story can be found by click this!!)
Sophia 4-2-12
7lbs 20"

in OR, enjoying my newest lil bundle

Sisters Meeting
(Sebastian was too hyper and wouldn't let us take his pic)

Skylar got to hold her while I was in the recovery room!
First bottle

I'm obsessed already, haha

A Blondie!!

She's watching, with one eye open, :)

Playing dress up at like 2am

Going home!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Quick Update

Sorry I have been such a slacker!
Sebastian is still doing FAB in his bed and we have a new monster to squish! Sophia was born on 4/2/12!
more to come...